This guide provides a brief introduction to accepting payments in your Online Shop by connecting your Website Builder website to a Stripe account.
If you have a question about Stripe that is not answered in the following guide, then check out our FAQ about Stripe.
- Step 1 - Open Settings
- Step 2 - Connect your Stripe account
- Step 3 - Check the connection in your Online Shop dashboard
- Step 4 - Using Stripe in your Online Shop
Step 1 - Open Settings
First, you need to access the payment settings in your Online Shop.
- Log in to your Website Builder dashboard and go to Online Shop in the menu on the left.
- Click Settings in the menu in the Online Shop dashboard.
- Select Payment.
Tip: You can also connect to Stripe via the Integrations page. You can access this from the Integrations tab in the menu on the left.
Step 2 - Connect your Stripe account
Select Stripe as a payment option.
- Tick the box for Stripe.
- In the pop-up window that appears, click Connect to Stripe.
You will be redirected to Stripe, where you can log on to your existing Stripe account or create a new one.
Note: If you have blocked pop-ups in your browser, you'll need to allow them while you connect to Stripe. Otherwise, the new window to Stripe's platform won't open.
Connect an existing Stripe account
If you already have a Stripe account, enter the email address that you use to log in to this. After entering the password and performing the two-step verification, you should be able to see your existing account(s). Select the one you want to use and click Connect. After this, you will be redirected back to the Online Shop.
Create a new account
If you want to create a new account, enter the email address you want to use for it and follow the setup flow. You'll need to have the following information ready when setting up the account:
- Business details (such as VAT number and address)
- Contact person details (such as phone number and address)
Once you reach the final step and click Submit, you will be redirected to the Online Shop and your new Stripe account will be connected. Remember to verify your email account by clicking the link in the email you receive from Stripe.
Note: If you are asked for a Tax ID or EIN and don't have either, you can use your Social Security Number instead.
Step 3 - Check the connection in your Online Shop dashboard
When your account is connected to your Online Shop, you'll see the Stripe option ticked and the email address of your selected Stripe account displayed next to it.
Tip: If you want to disconnect your Stripe account or make changes to the existing setup, click Edit next to the email address of the connected account.
Step 4 - Using Stripe in your Online Shop
Your Online Shop will now have Stripe as one of the payment methods available to your customers at checkout.
Tip: If you have additional payment services besides credit card enabled in your Online Shop, remember that you also need to allow these in your Stripe dashboard.
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