As soon as a customer has placed an order in your shop, it will become visible under Orders in the Online Shop administration. You will also receive a notification via email.
Here you can track and manage your orders. You can change the status of an order, add notes and comments or update contact details.
- View current orders
- Sort orders by status
- Update order status
- Edit shipping details
- Track order history
- Refund orders
- Archive orders
View current orders
Under Current orders you have an overview of all active orders that exist for your online shop. You can sort them by order number, date or price.
Sort orders by status
If you have a lot of orders it can be difficult to keep an overview. Use the menu to the right to only display orders with a specific status.
Click on an order to open it and to see more information.
Update order status
After clicking on an order, you can update the status of that order. For example to register a payment or mark it as shipped.
Click the blue button in the top left corner and update the status. For more options, click the arrow in the blue button.
Edit shipping details
It is possible to edit the contact details your customer entered when ordering, for example to fix a typo or to enter an alternative shipping address.
Open the order you want to edit. To the right of your screen click Edit and continue to update the details. Click Save when you are done.
Track order history
All updates or changes done on an order are saved in the Order history. This way you can easily keep track of things.
You can type in personal notes, for example if you have been in contact with the customer over the phone. It's also possible to resend emails, for example if your customer didn't receive the order confirmation.
Refund orders
Sometimes a customer may want to cancel or change an order. If the customer has already paid for the order you need to do a refund. The amount you refund cannot be higher than the net payment you received on the order.
Click the blue button in the top left corner and choose refund. Enter the amount you want to refund, by default the maximum amount available is entered. Click Refund to confirm.
If the order was paid via Stripe or PayPal the refund will be done automatically. If the order was paid in another way, you need to manually process the refund yourself.
Archive orders
When you have completed the order, you can change the status to Archived. The order will be removed from your Current orders and will be placed under Archived orders instead.
This way you keep your Current orders clean and uncluttered, while your completed orders are still accessible under Archived orders.
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