Your website statistics give you valuable information about the traffic on your website. You can see how many visits you have had, where your visitors came from and what device and browser they used. This information can help you to better understand your visitors.
To access the statistics tool, log in to the Control Panel and click Website analytics on the Advanced settings tile. To the left you see a menu with different sections, each contain specific data about your site.
At the top of each section you set the time period. You can filter data by day, week, month and year, or set a custom period by selecting a from and to date. You can select up to one year at a time.
When you open Statistics you first see the Dashboard, here you find a summary of data from all sections. At the top of the screen you can set the time period over which the statistics are shown.
You can see the total visits your site has generated and the top location from which you received most visits. The world map gives a more detailed overview of your most popular locations. The top browsers tell you which browser is most used by your visitors.
Under traffic you find information about the amount of visits on your site. Directly above the graph you can see the total visits and the average time spent on your site.
Total visits
The graph shows you the amount of visits you have had over the selected period. You can show up to one year at a time.
Time spent
Below the graph to the left, you can see how much time visitors spend on your site. An exceptionally high percentage of visits under a minute, could indicate you have a lot of non-human visitors. Read our guide for more information.
Top pages
To the right you can see your most requested URL's. It is impossible to filter out all unrelevant hits, so you might see that URL's of images or favicons are very high in the list.
Status indicates the http status code that a request returns. For example, 200 tells you that the request was succesful while 404 means the visitor got an error.
Requests show the amount of times a page was hit. A request is not the same as a visit, check out our article explaining how statistics are calculated. If you have a WordPress site and you see an unusual amount of requests to your wp-login page, this could be an indication that bots are trying to brute force your site.
Here you can see where your visitors are from. At the top of the page you see the total amount of visits and the top location over the selected period.
Hover your mouse over the world map to see the number of visits from a certain region. Click on a region to see the amount of visits specified per country or state (U.S.).
Top locations
Below the map all countries are listed in order of popularity. You can see the amount of visits from each country and the percentage this is of your total amount of visits.
Under technology you see what devices and which browser your visitors are using to access your site.
Desktop vs. mobile
The graph shows you an overview of desktop versus mobile devices in percentages. Above the graph you can see the most used browser and mobile device.
Top browsers
Left below the graph there is an overview of all different browsers that are used to access your site. You can read how many visits were done with that browser and the percentage this is of the total amount of visits during the selected period. If you notice a browser called Other, this is because our logs were not able to determine the browser used.
Top mobile devices
To the right there is a list of the top mobile devices used by your visitors. You can see how many visits were done with a device and the percentage this is of the total amount of visits.
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