Webmail is an easy way to access your emails. You don’t need to install software or worry about getting the settings right. Log on to your Webmail from your nearest computer, smartphone, or tablet.
This guide explains how to use the essential functions in our Webmail, like how you access it, send and receive emails, delete, search, and star messages within the Webmail.
Access your Webmail
- Go to the website. Click Log in in the upper-right corner.
- Choose Webmail.
- Enter your Email address and Password.
- Click Log in.
Send and receive emails
Once logged in to your Webmail, you'll see your inbox with all your incoming emails and folders on the left side. You can click on your inbox folder to refresh it.
To send an email:
- Click the Compose button in the upper left corner.
- You'll then see a new field on the right side where you can write your message.
- In the field To: type in the email address to which you want to send the email. If the contact is already saved in your Address book, it will automatically suggest the email address. You can add more email addresses if you want the send the email to multiple people.
- Enter a subject.
- Add content to your email, like text, and add attachments.
- When you're done, click Send.
Delete messages
Either open the email you want to delete and click the Delete button in the menu at the top of the screen, or you can mark multiple emails by checking the boxes next to the emails and clicking Delete.
Search messages
You can search for emails from specific senders, subjects or terms used. Use the search box at the top of your inbox. Press enter after typing in your search word.
Add a star to messages
You can add a star to messages you want to track or follow up on later. Simply click the star icon to the left of the email message to star it.
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