When you have a website or a shop and want to engage in marketing-related activities, you must collect consent from your users before sending them material. The marketing consent feature in the Website Builder dashboard makes this easier.
We recommend you start by creating a privacy policy to show your customers. Once you've created this, you can display it in your website contact form or Online Shop checkout. If the customer agrees to the policy and wants to consent, they can tick a box in each place, and the consent information will be sent to the customer profile in the Contacts section of your Website Builder dashboard.
Note: Though this feature makes it possible to ensure that you collect consent, you are ultimately the one responsible for full compliance. We therefore encourage you to familiarise yourself with the rules of GDPR or any other local laws that may apply to your business.
- Step 1 - Set up your privacy policy
- Step 2 - Enable collection of marketing consent
- Manage consent in the Contacts section of your Website Builder dashboard
Step 1 - Set up your privacy policy
When collecting marketing consent, you need a privacy policy so customers can check what they agree to with their consent. You can enable the marketing consent checkboxes without the privacy policy, but we strongly recommend creating one to ensure compliance.
- You can manage your privacy policy in your Website Builder dashboard. Go to Settings and Privacy Policy.
- Click Add Privacy policy.
- Write your privacy policy in the field. You can write one from scratch or click the Generate policy button to add a default set of terms and replace the template business details with your own.
- Click Save and Publish once you've finished the text.
When you have a privacy policy, a link will be displayed next to the marketing consent checkbox in your contact form or at the Online Shop checkout, depending on where you want to collect consent. It can also be displayed in the footer of your website.
Step 2 - Enable collection of marketing consent
You can have active consent collection in two different places: In the contact form on your website or in your Online Shop checkout.
Contact form
- Select your contact form in the Website Builder editor.
- Click Edit contact form.
- Click Marketing Consent in the menu that pops up.
- Slide the Show checkbox toggle to ON.
- Edit the checkbox text in the field at the bottom of the window.
- Click Save once you're done.
Your customers can now tick the box for marketing consent when they fill out the form on your website.
Online Shop checkout
- Go to your Online Shop dashboard.
- Select Settings and General in the menu on the left.
- Scroll down to Checkout settings and Marketing consent and tick the box that says Ask customers to subscribe to marketing communication.
- Edit the checkbox text in the field at the bottom of the page. On the right-hand side of the page, you can see a preview of how the checkbox will appear in your checkout.
- Click Save.
The marketing consent checkbox will now be visible to your customers using the Online Shop checkout.
Manage consent in the Contacts section of your Website Builder dashboard
Once your customers have consented to marketing communication, the information will be saved in each customer profile in the Contacts section of your Website Builder dashboard. You can manage and keep an overview of your customers' consent status there.
Where can I see the customer's consent status?
On each individual contact's page, a Marketing consent box will be visible on the right side of the page.
When a customer has given their consent, the toggle button will be set to ON, and the box will be labelled subscribed. The contact channels covered by the consent, such as email and phone, will also be denoted.
If the customer has not given their consent, the toggle button will be set to OFF, and the box will be labelled unsubscribed.
Changing the consent status
You can change the consent status manually. This could, for instance, be relevant if a customer has given their consent and then changes their mind and wants to opt out. It could also be that a customer consents via phone or in person and asks you to sign them up on their behalf.
If a customer has signed up and wants to opt out, you can unsubscribe them by simply sliding the toggle button on their Contacts page to OFF.
If a customer asks you to sign them up manually, you must slide the toggle button on their page to ON. When you do this, you'll be asked to record how the customer has given their consent (e.g. via phone, email, etc.) and which channels the marketing communication should cover.
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