We offer a 15-day money-back guarantee to ensure you're fully satisfied with your new order. Within 15 days of placing your order on our website, you can request a full refund on all products and services, except for Google Ads, Exchange and Microsoft 365 plans.
The full refund applies to one domain only. We'll refund the hosting plan for additional domains but not the domain registration fees, as domains are registered with our partners, and this cannot be reversed.
How to request a refund?
To request a refund, please send an email to our support with the following information:
- The name of the domain you ordered.
- The order number, which you can find on the invoice.
- A statement that you wish to use our money-back guarantee.
Note: Please clarify that you want to make use of our money-back guarantee, and not just cancel your subscription. A regular cancellation takes effect at the end of the subscription period, and you'll still be responsible for the current invoice.
Can we change your mind?
We would love to keep you as a customer, and we are sad to see you go. If there's anything we can do to change your mind, please let us know. We appreciate your feedback, especially in helping us improve our services. Our support team is happy to answer all your questions.
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