If you still have an unpaid invoice after you cancelled, this is most likely because your subscription was already renewed, before you confirmed the cancellation.
Automatic renewal
We automatically renew your subscription 30 days before the renewal date*. That way we can assure that your domain gets renewed on time and all your data is safe.
To remind you about this, we send the yearly renewal invoice 60 days before the renewal date. That way you still have time to cancel your subscription if you don't want to keep it.
*Because of law restrictions, subscriptions for private customers that live in Italy, the Netherlands, and Poland are not renewed automatically. Instead these customers receive a yearly invitation to resubscribe with us.
Do you think your subscription should not have been renewed?
If you think your subscription should not have been renewed, you are welcome to contact our sales and administrative support via email. Explain what you think went wrong and include as many details as possible.
Before you write to us, make sure to read our terms of business.
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