If you want to pay your invoice via bank transfer, you can use the following bank details:
Note: You need to transfer your payment to the bank account with the corresponding currency. So if you live in Germany, but your invoice is in Danish crowns (DKK), you need to use the Danish bank account.
Remember to add your order number, invoice number or domain as a reference. Otherwise, we are unable to link your payment to your account with us.
Eurozone (EUR)
We use one bank account for all Euro payments, and it is a Swedish account because our head office is in Sweden. So, if your invoice is in Euros, please use the following bank account:
Beneficiary: one.com Group AB
IBAN: SE5812000000012200167032
Bank: Danske Bank
Country: Sweden
Reference: order number, invoice number or domain
Note: Without a valid reference, we are unable to connect your payment to your account.
Norway (NOK)
If your invoice is in Norwegian crowns (NOK), you can use the following bank account:
Beneficiary: one.com Group AB
Bank: Danske Bank
Account nr: 8111 10 01669 - Use your KID number.
IBAN: NO7581111001669
Reference: order number, invoice number or domain
Note: Without a valid reference, we are unable to connect your payment to your account.
Sweden (SEK)/Swedish residence
If you reside in Sweden, you can transfer your payment to a Swedish account, also if you have another currency on your invoice.
Swedish crowns (SEK): Plusgiro 415 53 04-1 - Use your OCR-number.
Other currencies: Plusgiro 401 70 44-1
Reference: order number, invoice number or domain
Note: The invoice number consists of 8 digits and can be found to the right on your invoice.
United Kingdom (GBP)
If your invoice is in Pound Sterling (GBP), you can use the following bank account:
Beneficiary: one.com Group AB
Bank: Danske Bank
Sort code: 30-12-81
Account nr: 22035126
IBAN: GB78DABA30128122035126
Reference: order number, invoice number or domain
Note: Without a valid reference, we are unable to connect your payment to your account.
Danish crowns (DKK) + all other currencies
If your invoice is in Danish crowns (DKK), or a currency that is not listed on this page you can use the following bank account:
Bank: Danske Bank
Location: Copenhagen
Account nr: 4180179763
Reg nr: 4180
IBAN: DK8730004180179763
Reference: order number, invoice number or domain
Note: Without a valid reference, we are unable to connect your payment to your account.
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