In this guide, we will explain how to terminate your domain and web space. You may want to do this if you have no further use of your domain or subscription. Especially if you currently don't have access to the control panel.
If you want to delete your domain, web space and all your files, you can use our Termination form. This is not a regular cancellation, and you will immediately lose all files on the web space for the terminated domain.
If you want to make a regular cancellation of your subscription, please check our guide:
How do I cancel my web hosting subscription?
What happens when I terminate the domain?
Please read through this carefully if you are going to terminate your domain:
- All your files on the web space for the domain will be deleted, including all emails and databases.
- Your domain name will be deleted and soon be released for others to register.
- You will not be refunded for any remaining time on the subscription period.
- You will no longer have access to the terminated domain from your control panel.
Note: We will immediately delete your web space and all your files when we receive the form. It's impossible to undo this later.
Before you terminate
Before you terminate, please make sure:
- Any outstanding invoices for the subscription are paid.
- You have created a backup of any files you want to keep from your web space, including any emails and databases.
Termination form
Please, send the signed termination form as an attachment to our support. You can scan or take a picture of it, together with your ID. We will try to answer your request within 24 hours.
You find the Termination form here:
Note: We only need to see the date of birth, full name, signature and expiry date on your ID - for your safety, please conceal all other information. This can be done by blacking out text or covering some elements while taking the picture.
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